Sunday, August 3, 2008

I have finally sat down to post our families first blog. After being with my friends this weekend and hearing about the blogs I have decided to try something new and blog. I am not very good at this so you will have to be patient till I get the hang of it. 
To give you a break down of my Family. Cody is working for Spanish Fork City. He is enjoying it. I am still working for Aspen Dermatology. I am very busy working and being a mom. Jackson will be starting the 3rd grade. He is very excited he got the teacher he wanted. He plays the piano and likes to play Baseball. He does not like to play soccer he says all you do is run and down the field. He gets that from me. Keyton will be in preschool again this year. he has a late birthday so he has one more year tell Kindergarten. He loves soccer and getting dirty. Kenadee is such a cute little girl. I am not use to the dressing up, dolls, and screaming. 

age 7

age 3

age 1


Here are 3 out of 6 that make up our family.